
U.S. fight against Ebola are trapped in a "five myths"

Engaged in the study of global health issues, Senior Fellow Council on Foreign Relations think tank Laurie Garrett on the 10th in the "Washington Post" published an article that the United States is caught in the fight against Ebola virus' five errors. "
A misunderstanding that the Ebola virus will not spread in the rich countries.
Wealthy countries in Europe, North America and Asia have been confident that by virtue of their own advanced medical facilities that can curb the virus. Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Tom Frieden said: "We have the ability to curb the spread of the Ebola virus in the United States." Of course, if this guarantee simply for ease people's tension, naturally understandable. But we must realize that humanity has yet to find a set can not be infected with Ebola virus, 100% safe protection systems. For example, the Spanish government recently to confirm infection with the Ebola virus in Madrid nurse Teresa Romero is off protective clothing when using unsterilized hand to touch his face, so infection. According to the Ebola virus, "SARS" virus of understanding human beings, they are mainly spread through physical contact. "SARS" virus in 2003 spread throughout Asia, including Hong Kong, including developed areas, the hospital has a large number of health care workers are infected.
Garrett believes that some developed countries "arrogant" to believe that the advanced technology and good contingency planning can ensure that the Ebola virus will not spread. As the "arrogant", Toronto, Canada's top hospital and then was compelled "SARS" to fight the virus. In contrast to Vietnam has long been a much poorer control of this infectious disease. As the "arrogant", 2013 WHO meeting on cuts in the organization of infectious diseases, "the outbreak - response" of the budget, pay more attention to cancer, heart disease treatment. As the "arrogant", just whenever a communicable disease control, politicians have proposed cuts in public health budgets. However, when there is a new epidemic, people are only cry in despair.  (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)
Myth that after the United States, "September 11 Incident" emergency response capacity to accumulate enough to fight Ebola virus.
After the "9.11" outbreaks of anthrax mail incident, then-US President George W. Bush signed an order request to guard against large-scale bio-terrorist attack preparation. From the center for Disease Prevention and Control, the Department of Defense to hospitals, community clinics and rapid response teams have carried out a series against the possible outbreak of epidemics, terrorist exercises biochemical attacks regard. According to a pre-set program, the U.S. Department of Health each rule can be ready to greet highly contagious disease. Military and health agencies to get billions of dollars in special funds for the rapid diagnosis of pathogenic microorganisms, vaccine development and treatment. Each exercise list, the Ebola virus are among them. It seems that spending billions of dollars and countless drills later, come to "The United States is ready to" hypothesis seems to have a certain rationality.
However, Garrett does not think so. He said that both the army or the public, assume that most of the exercises are experiencing "biological attack": police, fire and medical personnel wearing protective clothing biochemistry; those infected have been diagnosed, isolation and treatment, and harm elimination. Each field exercises, are not for the treatment of infectious patients, resulting in health workers repeatedly exposed to contaminated environments. Now, faced with requests for assistance in West Africa, the United States Agency for International Development's answer is "no deal mature experience of the epidemic."

             The Author: Michael
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