
Iran gratified concession in the Western countries did not respond positively to the nuclear talks

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Did not disclose the names of the Iranian diplomats told Reuters reporters that Iran is willing to make new compromises, the United States and Europe is no longer a one-time request to cancel all sanctions and agreed to advance the most severe sanctions revoked.

According to Iranian officials, Iranian leaders suggested that the United States and the European Union should lift sanctions against Iran's energy and financial sectors.

Iran has repeatedly stressed that the development of nuclear technology for the peaceful use of nuclear energy, the United States and Israel claim that Iran's nuclear program aims to develop nuclear weapons. The United Nations Security Council has implemented four sanctions against Iran, the United States and the European Union also appended unilateral sanctions, involving economic, financial and other fields.

Last year, the White House to implement the latest sanctions against Iran, including the imposition of sanctions on the sale of large sums of Iranian currency rial and foreign financial institutions in Iran's offshore accounts held by a large number of riyals.

Reuters quoted an Iranian 21 senior government officials as saying that the other parties for the purposes of participating in the Iranian nuclear negotiations, whether the lifting of sanctions, "perhaps just a political issue," but on Iran, the significance is not the same.

Reuters reported that several rounds of sanctions have hit Iran's economy, now Iran's oil export revenues dropped sharply accelerating inflation, serious unemployment problem. This Iranian official said: "Iran wants to return to the situation before the sanctions, if possible, we will try to reach a compromise before the Nov. 24 deadline for coming.."  (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

[No new ideas]

Iran and the Iranian nuclear issue resume six-nation dialogue last year and reached a six-month transitional agreement in November, the Iraqi side to make some compromises on its nuclear program in exchange for Western countries to ease sanctions. However, this year several rounds of negotiations failed to bridge their differences on the size and capacity of Iran's nuclear program and other core issues. Iran and the Iranian nuclear issue six countries decided in July, will extend the deadline to negotiate an end to November 24, fight before reaching a comprehensive solution.

The latest proposal for Iran, the Western diplomat said Iran compromises nothing new. Moreover, Iran also understands that sanctions can not be canceled once and for all.

One European diplomat said: "They do not want to reduce the level of enrichment activities to the point where we think we can accept no choice but to be negotiated in November after the extension ...... either that, or let the negotiations completely. collapse. "

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)

