
Spain Ebola infection test results were negative or nurses have been cured

BEIJING, Oct. 20 Xinhua comprehensive report, the Spanish official local time on the 19th, said the Spanish nurse infected with Ebola virus for inspection, test results have been negative.

It is named Theresa 圠 獿 Los Spain nurse is infected with Ebola virus first person outside of West Africa.

The test results show that the 19th year, 44-year-old Romero is no longer infected with the Ebola virus. But also need to do a second test, in order to explain that she was no longer carrying the virus.  (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

Responsible for hospital treatment Romero said in a statement on the 19th night Romero will undergo a second test. The statement also said that her condition gradually improved.

Hospital said another 15 people, including Romero's husband is still in quarantine, but has so far revealed no signs of infection. Doctors emphasize that people no symptoms of the virus is not spread conditions have, therefore, only in Spain, which currently treated female nurses were the only source of the spread of the Ebola virus.

According to WHO had informed Ebola incubation period ranging from two days to three weeks.

Romero Spanish priest who helped treat the two died from Ebola. The two priests were in the West African Ebola virus infection sent home for medical treatment.

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)

