
Ebola and the Islamic State of important issues into the United States mid-term elections

With the pace of the United States mid-term elections of November 14 approaches, the Ebola virus outbreak and the Organization of the Islamic extremist country (ISIS) of frenzied counterattack, no doubt become the second mid-term election "October accident." The so-called "October accident", namely the opportunity to elect a candidate may produce rapid, significant influence events in order to break the current balance.

"In the mid-term elections in the two presidential candidates all over each other and the critical time attacking the other parties, in their debates, two international topics became a central issue debate." An Ohio Republican congressman in charge of international relations office aides issues told the "first Financial Daily" reporters.  (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

"These two issues are the Ebola virus and Islamic countries, and the current performance of the Obama administration on these two issues will not only allow Democrats faced questioning and criticism from the people, leaving the Republicans really caught the handle." He said. "If the Obama administration is drunk, then the Democratic Party is the victim of a hangover."

Three focus of debate

The aides said is indeed a fact. In the current American local television stations are filled with a candidate's campaign commercials, the issues related to Ebola is also debate is frequently mentioned as a candidate for the election of the topic, and was even mixed in a campaign ad.

Newspaper reporters about the current debate about combed Ebola, mainly reflected in the following three aspects.

First, Democrats criticized the Republican fiscal austerity to allow the Government does not have sufficient resources to protect the American public, so that the American people away from the Ebola virus.

"I can tell you what I will not do things." Colorado Sen. Ukrainian Dowler (MarkUdall) in last week's debate, said, "That's Republican lawmakers Gede Na (CoryGardner) did, he actually voted in favor of cuts should be allocated to the Centers for Disease control and Prevention (CDC) of the $ 300 million budget, these funds could have been to the emergency response team. "Wu Dowler said.

Second, Republicans criticized Democrats in response to the Ebola virus as an excuse for the government spending wantonly waste of taxpayers' money.

For example, Wu said Leti to his opponent Ge Dena accused the Obama administration does not control the financial problems of the government is a big problem, especially in the current CDC response to the Ebola virus can be said to be full of loopholes.

A third view is that the Republicans believe the threat of Ebola virus has been brought to the United States border security.

North Carolina Republican running for senator positions Tiris (ThomTillis) at the same Democratic opponent Hakan (KayHagan) debate that the Ebola virus from West Africa into the United States through various channels can be seen, the current America's border security there is a big loophole, but also the Democratic Party's immigration policy should reflect the time.

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)

Turkey to allow foreign armed Islamic State of transit strike

Major shift in the position of either the Turkish government to combat extremist organization "Islamic State" turning point

[Turkey and finally in the 20th to make a major shift in strategy. Soil government said the day would allow Iraqi Kurdish fighters crossing reinforcements 科巴尼 of Kurdish]

Syrian soil Syrian border city 科巴尼 extreme organization "Islamic State" (ISIS) under siege precarious, Turkey and finally in the 20th to make a major shift in strategy. Soil government said the day would allow Iraqi Kurdish fighters crossing the Kurdish reinforcements 科巴尼.

That same day the State Department, said the Turkish government welcomed the decision. U.S. State Department spokesman Mary Huff said the United States and Turkey are continuing a dialogue on how to further help the earth by the US-led coalition to combat issues such as ISIS discuss.  (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

According to reports, the soil Foreign Minister Wu Shi Aolu exactly (MevlutCavusoglu) that Turkey is making arrangements for Iraqi Kurdish fighters hit ISIS facilitate transit operations, "We never want to see Ke Bani fall, Turkey has been taking a different approach to prevent such things happen. "

Earlier, the US-led Western countries have been pressuring Turkey to require its Ke Bani Kurdish play an important role in the fight against ISIS, but the soil and do not want the government to intervene military conflicts, more reluctant to armed Kurdish.

Turkey's refusal to intervene to make the American attitude to combat ISIS frustrated, while soil government inaction on the issue 科巴尼 also makes Kurdish anger, which led to serious disturbances in southeastern soil areas.

U.S. Secretary of State Warren said Washington has asked the government to help the Kurdish armed soil or other organizations to enter Ke Bani, only so that they can help guard Ke Bani.

On the 19th, the United States for the first time to Ke Bani Kurdish dropped weapons and ammunition to help local Kurdish resistance ISIS continued attacks. American said that the 19th dispatched a C-130 transport aircraft, transport provided by the Iraqi Kurdish arms, ammunition and medical supplies.

Wu 什奥卢 just did not indicate whether the soil to support the United States government to 科巴尼 Kurdish airdrop weapons.

Syrian Kurdish main militia groups "People's Army to defend," said a spokesman for the 20th He Lier, military airdrop of weapons of war, said that "there is a positive impact," help boost the morale of the Kurdish fighters, but the number is not enough to beat the drop ISIS, hope to get more aid. "We do not think Ke Bani will quickly end the fighting." He said, "many ISIS numbers, and continued to attack Ke Bani People have confidence in the defense forces to repel them."

The EU also urged Turkey on the 20th open borders, allowing supplies delivered to the hands of 科巴尼 inhabitants.

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)

Pakistan coach fall valley caused 22 casualties

People Islamabad October 21 (Reporter Boosting), according to local media reports, northern Pakistan Pakistan-controlled Kashmir region 21, a bus plunged into a gorge, killing at least 18 people were killed and four others injured.

Reported that 22 people, when a sudden sharp turn out of control and crashed into the valley, causing heavy casualties on the passenger car, rescue workers have been injured to hospital for treatment. After investigation, the police believe that the accident was caused by overloading. (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

Pakistan major accidents have occurred, reckless driving, old vehicles, poor road conditions are the main cause of traffic accidents.

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)

Canadian fighters went to the Middle East and formally joined the raid "Islamic State"

Six CF-18 Hornet fighter jets from Alberta in Canada's Air Force Base, took off to the Middle East, the Western allies to participate in the fight against "Islamic State" extremist organization (ISIS) battle.

Canadian Defense Ministry informed that six aircraft will fly to Kuwait, and from where the Air Force Base, ISIS target for air strikes in Iraq.

This six fighters with accompanying, also includes a CC-150T Polaris tanker aircraft, two CP-140M Aurora AWACS. These three aircraft from Greenwood Air Force Base, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Trenton Air Force Base starting.

Meanwhile, about 600 people to the Middle East logistics units also provide services for these aircraft.  (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

Earlier this month, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to Congress filed a motion for approval in Canada to join the Western countries on the "Islamic State" extremist organizations airstrikes. After two days of debate, the evening of October 7, the Canadian Parliament with 157 votes in favor, 134 votes against and abstaining proportion of the full adoption of the controversial mandate.

Although ISIS has not limited the scope of activities in Iraq, but under the authority of, the Canadian Forces participation in ISIS will be limited to air strikes in Iraq, it is because Harper was submitted to the motion said only send troops to Iraq to Canada made an application. The Canadian Parliament authorized the military action will last six months, and only limited air strikes will not send ground troops.

Coincidentally, in the Canadian Air Force fighter planes took off before going to the Middle East to participate in air strikes ISIS day, October 20, who was identified by the extremist Islamic militants influence thinking in a parking lot in Quebec, Canada, two car collision soldiers, resulting in dead and another injured. Police said the 21-day morning, the event is very obvious terrorist-related. Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Defence Minister, Chief of General Staff have issued a statement on 21 May, condolences condolences.

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)

Iran gratified concession in the Western countries did not respond positively to the nuclear talks

[Mention] Initiative

Did not disclose the names of the Iranian diplomats told Reuters reporters that Iran is willing to make new compromises, the United States and Europe is no longer a one-time request to cancel all sanctions and agreed to advance the most severe sanctions revoked.

According to Iranian officials, Iranian leaders suggested that the United States and the European Union should lift sanctions against Iran's energy and financial sectors.

Iran has repeatedly stressed that the development of nuclear technology for the peaceful use of nuclear energy, the United States and Israel claim that Iran's nuclear program aims to develop nuclear weapons. The United Nations Security Council has implemented four sanctions against Iran, the United States and the European Union also appended unilateral sanctions, involving economic, financial and other fields.

Last year, the White House to implement the latest sanctions against Iran, including the imposition of sanctions on the sale of large sums of Iranian currency rial and foreign financial institutions in Iran's offshore accounts held by a large number of riyals.

Reuters quoted an Iranian 21 senior government officials as saying that the other parties for the purposes of participating in the Iranian nuclear negotiations, whether the lifting of sanctions, "perhaps just a political issue," but on Iran, the significance is not the same.

Reuters reported that several rounds of sanctions have hit Iran's economy, now Iran's oil export revenues dropped sharply accelerating inflation, serious unemployment problem. This Iranian official said: "Iran wants to return to the situation before the sanctions, if possible, we will try to reach a compromise before the Nov. 24 deadline for coming.."  (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

[No new ideas]

Iran and the Iranian nuclear issue resume six-nation dialogue last year and reached a six-month transitional agreement in November, the Iraqi side to make some compromises on its nuclear program in exchange for Western countries to ease sanctions. However, this year several rounds of negotiations failed to bridge their differences on the size and capacity of Iran's nuclear program and other core issues. Iran and the Iranian nuclear issue six countries decided in July, will extend the deadline to negotiate an end to November 24, fight before reaching a comprehensive solution.

The latest proposal for Iran, the Western diplomat said Iran compromises nothing new. Moreover, Iran also understands that sanctions can not be canceled once and for all.

One European diplomat said: "They do not want to reduce the level of enrichment activities to the point where we think we can accept no choice but to be negotiated in November after the extension ...... either that, or let the negotiations completely. collapse. "

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)

Ukrainian Government has identified the plant explosion triggered civil armed

Ukrainian National Security and Defense Commission spokesman Ray Yushchenko, 21, said a large explosion occurred in the eastern city of Donetsk Chemical Products Factory is a private armed before trying to make explosives caused.

Ray Yushchenko said at a news conference the same day, Donetsk chemical products factory warehouse contains a lot of inflammable and explosive materials, civil armed occupation of the plant trying to manufacture explosives in there. Based on currently available information and determine explosion experts, non-governmental armed explosion is likely to be caused by failure to comply with the requirements process.  (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

According to the news release Donetsk city government website said the accident occurred at local time at 12:10 on the 20th, a violent explosion a few blocks from many of the houses near the glass shattered, and some houses even frames are dropped Pizhen .

Ukrainian folk armed previously claimed that the explosion was a missile fired by Ukrainian military hit Donetsk chemical plant caused. At present, the Government of Ukraine and civil armed did not disclose casualties caused by the explosion.

Ukrainian folk armed eastern Luhansk and Donetsk Oblast State in early April this year, occupied local government buildings, announced the establishment of the "People's Republic", and the use of force against the central government. Ukrainian government subsequently militias to carry out "counter-terrorism operations," the conflict causing heavy casualties. September 5, the Ukrainian government, civil armed, Russia and representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in the Belarus capital Minsk talks, finally signed a ceasefire agreement.

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)

Militants attacked Canadian soldiers injured perpetrator caused one death and one was killed

Quebec police on the 21st morning confirmed by a collision of two extremists drove the Canadian soldiers, one person died.

Police, local time, October 20, in Montreal, Quebec City, from the southeast named St. John - Syria - Richelieu (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu) of the city's parking lot, a 25-year-old man Lu Luo (Martin Rouleau) suspected car collision in the parking lot walking two soldiers. The police finally catch up with the perpetrators of about 4 km, accident accident due to the evolution of the perpetrators arrested and police opened fire. The 20th in the evening, the man was sent to the hospital a few hours after death.

Two injured soldiers, the police this morning announced that a soldier seriously injured and died, another minor injuries. According to the deceased's family, the Administration does not expose the names of dead soldiers.

Police are not sure the accident man before the incident if the victim is already knew two soldiers, but the incident in the parking lot to serve the local businesses, provincial, federal and military authorities in the office here.

According to police, the intelligence agencies have long noted that the accident man. After the accident, local media to verify the information on social media man found his identity is displayed as "refuge of Ahmad." Neighbors said the man began about a year ago Islam.  (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper was originally MPs in the matter when asked, was just muttered that noticed this report, things are worrying. Harper's office announced that in the evening, the man was known to intelligence agencies, including the National Security Enforcement Team, including joint figures, federal intelligence agencies have confirmed that there are clear indications that the man had been radicalized.

Authorities have yet to confirm whether this incident or any other terrorist organization launched by extremist "Islamic State" terrorist organizations (ISIS). But ISIS previously published a list of countries in retaliation for its target Western air strikes, explicitly Canada and Canadians as a target. The October 7, the Canadian Parliament approved the motion "Islamic State" terrorist organizations in Iraq raid.

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)

Durban, South Africa several beaches due to shark nets damaged forced to close

Overijssel kun Nigerian head of City Parks and Recreation Teng Pakistan · Nike Bo (Themba Ngcobo) said that in Durban and its surrounding areas have many beaches closed on the 20th, closed at least until the end of November. The city government is still assessing the damage, the beach will reopen after maintenance is completed. Nike Bo said they had to close the beach, and to assess and repair the damage.   (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

Nike Bo said they had sought help from a shark Association, repair shark nets. In this case, they will be opening up the progress of repairs fast beaches, once complete maintenance, will be opened immediately. But still repair the beach will remain closed. He also said they are not sure how long, but they will be very hard to repair, to ensure that these beaches are open before the holiday travel soon.

Affected beaches include Fort Scott (Scottburgh), Jia Baba (Umgababa), Kali Ding (Karridene), Warner Beach (Warner Beach), easy Xiping brother (Isipingo), Pedro land (Umdloti), Overijssel Kun Nepal Country Club (Ethekwini Country Club) and Westbrook (Westbrook).

Nike Bo said that only at Durban beaches north and south of 嘉巴巴 Amanzimtoti (Amanzimtoti) and appoint 科尔斯波路特 (Winkelspruit) two beaches will remain open during this time.

Located on the beach in Durban warm skin (Wimpy) Adelaide Nice restaurant supervisor Patricia (Patricia Adenis) said they had seen a serious storm damage to infrastructure caused by the beach. Their employees are worried because of beach closures affect their shift and income. Adelaide Nice also expressed the hope that the relevant departments to be repaired as soon as possible.

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)

Saudi oil exports in August fell to the lowest in three years

According to the Saudi economic research institutes recently released a report in August this year, the Saudi oil exports to its lowest level in three years.

JODI said that in August of this year, Saudi exports of 666 million barrels of crude oil a day, down from 698 million barrels in July. Last August, Saudi Arabia 779 million barrels of daily crude oil exports. (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

The report attributed the sharp decline in Saudi oil exports to the United States to Saudi crude shale oil development extrusion U.S. and Asian markets.

May to August this year, the United States imports from Saudi crude oil daily from 1,000,000 to 120 million barrels. Last June to April this year, the United States imports from Saudi crude oil per day from 1,300,000 to 160 million barrels.

According to reports, the Saudi oil officials said recently that Saudi Arabia is ready to endure long-term low-cost, or even $ 80 a barrel, oil prices may fall to keep the Saudi share in the international oil market.

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)


Brussels Airport passengers will be implemented in West Africa Anti-Ebola medical examination

[Global Network reported Reporter Peng Ge] According to the "Voice of Russia" radio station on October 19 reported that the Brussels International Airport from October 20 to begin the national passenger Ebola outbreak in West Africa from the implementation of health inspection system. Itar-Tass reported that the Belgian Prime Minister Charles • Michel announced the news on the 19th.

Reported that the union had threatened earlier Brussels airport, if not from the West African country of passengers medical quarantine inspection, it will organize protests in recent days. Belgium's new Minister of Public Health Maggie • Deb Lauck announced that the fight against the proliferation of Ebola virus is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Health, and has established an inter-ministerial full-time coordinator.  (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

According to World Health Organization data, the West African country Ebola virus has resulted in nearly 4,500 people were killed and about 9,000 people infected with the virus. Most deaths were from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone three countries.

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)

Spain Ebola infection test results were negative or nurses have been cured

BEIJING, Oct. 20 Xinhua comprehensive report, the Spanish official local time on the 19th, said the Spanish nurse infected with Ebola virus for inspection, test results have been negative.

It is named Theresa 圠 獿 Los Spain nurse is infected with Ebola virus first person outside of West Africa.

The test results show that the 19th year, 44-year-old Romero is no longer infected with the Ebola virus. But also need to do a second test, in order to explain that she was no longer carrying the virus.  (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

Responsible for hospital treatment Romero said in a statement on the 19th night Romero will undergo a second test. The statement also said that her condition gradually improved.

Hospital said another 15 people, including Romero's husband is still in quarantine, but has so far revealed no signs of infection. Doctors emphasize that people no symptoms of the virus is not spread conditions have, therefore, only in Spain, which currently treated female nurses were the only source of the spread of the Ebola virus.

According to WHO had informed Ebola incubation period ranging from two days to three weeks.

Romero Spanish priest who helped treat the two died from Ebola. The two priests were in the West African Ebola virus infection sent home for medical treatment.

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)

Japanese Minister Wang disputed islands overlooking the Russo-Japanese territorial consultations with Russia won progress

[Global Network reporter Xu Wenqi] reported RIA Novosti news October 18, the Northern Territories in Japan and Okinawa, and science and technology issues Shunichi Yamaguchi served as minister from the east of the island of Hokkaido, Japan, visited Japan and Russia Na Shabu promontory overlooking the controversial "South Kuril Islands "an island that Japan's so-called" four northern islands ", one of Habomai and stressed the importance of resolving the territorial dispute with Russia as soon as possible.  (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

According to Japan's NHK television quoted as saying Shunichi Yamaguchi, "Japan in the Russo-Japanese diplomatic talks and strive to make concrete progress to resolve the territorial dispute as soon as possible."

Japan bilateral border treaty with Russia, signed in 1855 as the basis, requiring the return of the country, Etorofu, Habomai, Shikotan four islands, the return of the four islands is proposed to sign a peace treaty with Russia condition. And since World War II, has yet to conclude a peace treaty between Russia and Japan. Moscow's position is in accordance with the results of World War II, four islands incorporated into the territory of the Soviet Union, Russia has indisputable sovereignty over them, and there is a corresponding international law documents.

During Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow decided to hold consultations on the level of deputy foreign minister, 莫尔古洛夫 and Sugiyama Jin Fu in August 2013 talks, held the first round of formal consultations by the end of January this year. May this year, Japan's Kyodo news agency quoted the foreign cross provincial officials said the situation in Ukraine is ready to suspend Japan for consultations, but the message has not been confirmed.

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)

Abe's support rate 6.8 points lower and lower 80% of people said that economic policy has no effect

Japan's national telephone survey of public opinion in Japan's Kyodo News October 18 and 19, the implementation of the display, Abe Cabinet support rate of 48.1 percent, down 6.8 percentage points higher than in September of the previous survey. Do not support the rate increase of 11.2 percent, rising to 40.2%. Kyodo think this may be affected by the economic Yuko Obuchi related industries with political groups such as political funding. In addition, there are up to 84.8% of respondents said "no sense" Abe government's economic stimulus policy, the economic recovery.  (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

For October 2015 will be raised to 10% on the consumption tax, 65.9 percent of respondents expressed opposition, 31.0 percent in favor. Japan will legalize casinos on the issue, 63.8 percent expressed opposition, much higher than the 30.3 percent in favor. In addition, 60.2 percent of respondents oppose the restart of nuclear power plants, 31.9% in favor.

About Abe government proposed to expand the hiring of women corporate policy, that "effective" and "have some effect" accounted for 40.8%, that "little effect" and "no effect" of the total 55.9%.

From December on the implementation of the "specific Secrets Protection Act" damage to the national "right to know", and 58.6 percent of respondents answered "uneasy", 34.5% said "I did not feel uneasy."
For the "place of creation", and said, "look" and "some expectations" accounted for 57.0%, exceeding the "not looking" and "does not expect" of 40.2%.

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)


U.S. military says Iraqi troops in Baghdad is not facing an imminent threat defense and reliable

BEIJING, Oct. 17, according to foreign media reports, the U.S. military said on the 16th, do not think the Iraqi capital Baghdad military is facing imminent threat, said thecity's defense is reliable.  (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby admitted earlier on the 16th, Baghdad was the number of fatal bomb attacks, "Islamic State" which has been declared as responsibletogether. But Kirby insisted that Baghdad's defense is reliable, the United States does not believe the Iraqi capital facing "imminent threat." 

Baghdad on the 16th occurred more than a car bomb exploded, killing at least 26people were killed and dozens injured. Kirby said, this is not the first time recently in Baghdad was bombed, but there is currently no large-
scale surrounding Baghdad"Islamic State" armed attempt siege. 
Kirby said that Iraqi security forces are in an effective manner, continuousreinforcement of internal capital and surrounding defensive positions. 

In addition, Kirby also said that the recent bad weather and sandstorms in Iraqappeared, hindering the United States for more air strikes.

             The Author: Michael 

2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

United States Vice President Joe Biden son was expelled for drug-positive from the Navy

BEIJING, Oct. 17, according to the American Chinese net on the 16th reported that U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's son, Hunter • Biden because of drug-positive after being tested positive earlier this year, has been removed from the Naval Reserve.  (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

An official said Hunter • Biden in 2013 failed to pass the tests this year, February 14 was dismissed. But officials do not know what kind of drugs Hunt • Biden positive.

Is married and has three children Hunter • Biden local time on Thursday (the 16th) evening issued a statement saying, "In the United States Navy is my own pleasure, subject to administrative sanctions for their own practice, I felt remorse and embarrassment. I respect the Navy's decision with love and support of my family, I will move forward. "

Hunter • Biden in 2012 to join the Navy Reserve, has the rank of second lieutenant, engaged in public affairs.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

Massive health minister called on the British health care system to reduce the loss of negligence

British Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt on the 16th, said the hospital's negligence England sex and related litigation resulting in the loss of the British National Health Service from 1000 to 2500 million pounds annually.

Hunter said during a speech in Birmingham, these mistakes include medication errors, preventable infections after surgery. If the hospital can reduce negligent behavior, national health care system will be able to hire more medical staff. (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

According to a report recently published by the UK Department of Health, the National Health Service System 2013 only on patient care lawsuit would spend 1.3 billion pounds.

Hunter said: "I hope the person in charge can understand each hospital, the hospital's negligence will not only affect their patients will affect their financial situation and I hope that our nation's health care workers can understand, if we can. joint efforts to fight the national health care system the world's safest and health institutions, we will be able to more health care workers to provide more resources, more training. "

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

Hurricane "Gonzalo" will transit the United Kingdom or strong winds cause flooding disaster

BEIJING, Oct. 17, according to foreign media reports, the U.S. National Hurricane Center on the 16th announced that it has drawn Hurricane "Gonzalo" transit line, is now up to the second danger level, while the United Kingdom is its direct path the.

It is reported that the hurricane "Gonzalo" is currently in the Atlantic Ocean, experts predict it will arrive on the 17th Bermuda and will arrive next week, the British coast. (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

U.S. National Hurricane Center said hurricane Britain will have serious consequences, England could face the threat of flooding and strong winds. Britain has enabled contingency plans, personnel Highways Agency and Environment Agency standby.

Hurricane "Gonzalo" local time on the 13th invasion of the Caribbean island of Antigua and the surrounding islands, is gathering energy, "Gonzalo" is expected to further affect the Caribbean and the southern United States.

According to reports, the hurricane "Gonzalo" After Antigua Shihai only tropical cyclones, but brought heavy rain and gales to the local people's life had a significant impact, some residents were thrown to the roof of the home, giant felled trees. When the wind gathered to St. Martin and Anguilla, "Gonzalo" or redefined as a hurricane.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

North Korea plans to fund the Asian delegation to pay three hundred million entry fee

According to Yonhap news October 16, the 16th South Korean Unification Ministry said the South Korean government decided to help the North Korean delegation to pay its place in the Asian Games in South Korea in addition to the amount of fees paid outside the DPRK remaining 550 million won (about 3.3 million yuan ).

Reported that the South Korean government had decided to finance the cost of the DPRK delegation during the Asian Games in South Korea produced for 938 million won, but the North Korean delegation to leave South Korea before the Asian Games athletes' village to pay accommodation costs of about 203 million won to the ROK. (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

South Korean Unification Ministry official said, in addition to fees paid by the South Korean government the actual amount of subsidy will be about 550 million won. The final amount of subsidy will be determined after the accounting.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

WHO: Ebola death toll near West 4500

According to Reuters October 15 reported that this global epidemic of Ebola in the history of the most serious one. Statistical results of World Health Organization (WHO) released Wednesday showed that as of October 12 a total of 4,493 people died of Ebola. (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

WHO said the report confirmed a total of seven countries, which may or suspected cases of Ebola 8,997 points. Among them, Spain and the United States several health care workers infected, Senegal and Nigeria appears to have prevented the further spread of the virus.

WHO reported that the situation in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone is deteriorating, Ebola is continuing large-scale diffusion, has given about $ 13 billion three caused economic losses.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

Li Keqiang's visit successful breakthrough in bilateral relations

RIA Novosti news October 16, participate in the "Russia Today" international news agency - experts "Moscow Beijing" Video Connection conference that during Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's visit to Moscow, Russia signed a number of agreements on a bilateral breakthrough on the relationship. (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

13, 2009, China and Russia signed nearly 40 agreements energy, banking sector, transportation, agriculture, space technology and telecommunications fields. Meanwhile, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Li Keqiang also discuss key issues of bilateral cooperation between China and Russia.

In this regard, Head of the Department of Oriental Studies of the Russian Higher School of Economics University of Alexei Maslov believes that the two countries signed a number of agreements show that the transition from a declaration to enrich the quality of bilateral relations. He said: "At least in the next two or three decades, relations between Russia will maintain a high level."

At the same time, some experts said, China and Russia signed document from the breadth and depth of cooperation for both a major breakthrough, he also called for a sober assessment of the prospects for further cooperation between the two countries have agreed to implement the terms.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

A Chinese couple be attacked in Moscow robbed $ 33,000

According to "Russia Today" News Network October 16 news, a Chinese couple was attacked in Moscow, carry $ 33,000 stolen. (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

Local time on the 15th, a Chinese couple in Moscow Butte Falls Avenue was attacked Kaya, The Chinese man head and chest injuries and was taken to hospital for treatment. In addition, $ 33,000, and the couple carry a handbag containing personal items stolen.

According to reports, the attacks on Chinese couples are three unknown persons, fled after the robbery.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey


New Zealand may be the end of next referendum to change the flag

John made ​​the statement after veterans groups to participate in group activities that day in the New Zealand capital Wellington. The group has said that replacing the flag is at the expense of the New Zealand flag now soldiers disrespect.

New Zealand flag is rectangular, dark blue flag for the upper left corner is a British Union Jack pattern, trimmed with white edges on the right side is four red five-pointed star representing the Southern Cross constellation. Some New Zealanders believe that this flag with colonial features, and easily confused with the Australian flag. (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

John Key repeatedly advocated replacing the flag, and hope with the New Zealand silver fern leaf pattern featuring the national flag.

Previously he had said, the need to replace the flag twice a referendum. The first referendum will select the best solution 3-4 open call options, the second referendum will decide whether to replace the new flag or keep the existing flag.

He was on the 15th that New Zealand is expected before the end of 2015 for the first time a referendum, whether or not support the replacement of the national flag, you can vote for the best replacement program. The second referendum might be held in April 2016.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was a terrorist crime object couple

According to BBC reports, the British courts Week October 14 was informed that a terrorist suspect had considered an important figure for the manufacturing together, or similar action in 2008 Mumbai attacks.

According to reports, prosecutor Richard Whitman (Richard Whittam) British Central Criminal Court said investigators also suspect Eero Yam de (Erol Incedal) car found former British Prime Minister Tony Blair (Tony Blair) and his wife Shirley Blair (Cherie Blair) address.   (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

This year 26-year-old still considering different shade de attacks, including the lack of targeted killings, Whitman added. However, Yam de himself was denied the allegations of terrorist planning and taking action. He is currently part of the secret trial.

The jury was told that there is no specific shade de attack plan. But prosecutors said, holding former Prime Minister Tony Blair's address but it is a very important evidence. Whitman said, "the first court did not identify Eero shady de have specific targets or specific methods, but in the overall context of the case, and the evidence I am about to show, you may (also) be think there is some significance to this address. "Yam de also accused of holding" useful for the preparation of terrorist acts, "secure Digital memory card.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

2014 Nobel Prize: An Interpretation of the brain Positioning System

2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to John O'Keefe (John O Keefe), Mai - Britt Moser (May〣ritt Moser) and Edward Moser (Edvard Moser) three. They found that the brain's "GPS" system. The following is the interpretation Nutshell network.   (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses) 
Is how we know where we are in? How we find from one place to another route? We are down to how this information is stored, so that when we next return to old haunt can find their way immediately?
2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine winners are found in the brain's "positioning system", a built-in GPS, allows us to locate where I was in space, suggesting that higher cognitive functions are also cell-level basis.
1971, John O'Keefe discovered the first component of the positioning system. He found that the hippocampus of the brain where there is a nerve cell, whenever a particular location in rats living room, when these cells will always be activated. Other living nerve cells elsewhere in the rat when activated. O'Keefe concluded that these "place cells" (place cells) make up the map of the room.
Thirty years later, Mai - Britt Moser and Edward Moser found another key component of the brain positioning system. They found another nerve cell, named "grid cells" (grid cells), which form a coordinate system that allows precise positioning of biological and wayfinding. Their follow-up studies have shown that place cells and grid cells together so that the positioning and navigation possible.
John O'Keefe, Mai - Britt Moser and Edvard Moser's study answers the troubled philosophers and scientists for centuries problem - how to give the space around the brain to create a map of how we in the complex environment looking route.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

Abe "human flesh jimaoxin" diplomatic-loved

Height 175 cm, weighing more than 100 kg, Jen former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori stood petite and delicate, the current president of South Korea, trained, trained whispers around Park Geun-hye, inexplicably little "Shrek" in delight. Sex is different, different size, they have no power cycle the intersection but has a good friendship. February 2013, Mori was invited to participate Park Geun-hye's presidential inauguration ceremony; September 19, 2014, Park Geun-hye and to the president of the Tokyo Olympic Games Organizing Committee identity to attend the opening ceremony of the Asian Games in Incheon Mori held talks. According to Japan's Mainichi Daily News reported that the talks, Mori submitted to Park Geun-hye personal letter Abe, Abe conveyed the willingness to improve relations between Japan and South Korea, and Japan and South Korea called for a summit meeting as soon as possible.

Abe assigned or appointed cronies of former politicians prestigious high pass "personal letter" a diplomatic way, does not seem strange. According to Jiji News Agency reported on September 11 that Russia time the evening of 10 September, Putin and former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori was held in the 35 minutes of talks with the Kremlin, Putin was told Mori also submit a personal letter from Prime Minister Abe, expectations Russo maintain a dialogue between the two countries. According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported, although Mori to attend the "Japan-Russia Forum" in the name of his visit to Russia, but international public opinion as a special envoy Abe, went to ease sanctions because of worsening bilateral relations are more worthy purpose.  (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

Earlier, in July 27, former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda secret visit to China, with Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks. Japan and China were not to make any public reports on the trip and content Yasuo Fukuda's visit, but do not rule out the Japanese media have speculated that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, former Prime Minister Fukuda commissioned to carry a personal letter to Xi Jinping possible. Japanese media said the former Prime Minister Fukuda is likely to serve as a special envoy of Prime Minister Abe for November this year to attend the APEC meeting in Beijing Sino-Japanese summit talks do realize private mediation. In addition, the second cabinet Abe took office just that in January 25, 2013, commissioned by the Japanese when the ruling coalition New Komeito Party, Mitsuo Yamaguchi that visit, take the opportunity of talks with Xi Jinping forwarded his personal letter. According to Kyodo News, Abe said in the letter, from the overall situation is willing to push forward the development of Sino-Japanese strategic and mutually beneficial relations.

Whenever diplomatic encounter freezing point, while put 'desire to dialogue "to win the high-profile support of the international community and public opinion and" compassion ", while sending a special envoy or a very good personal relationship with the other national politicians to pass a personal letter from the Prime Minister's approach seems to have become a Abe breakthrough regular routine diplomatic impasse. In the network, means of communication developed very moment, the original head of state personally handwritten communication naturally full of sincerity, however, these good intentions Abe repaired role to play yet? Transported all the way human flesh "jimaoxin" And if moved to the other side of it?

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey


Ukraine 8 race fans sing songs jailed for insulting Putin

According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported affected by the crisis in Ukraine, the Ukrainian people against Putin continued strong voice. Recently, this opposition activity extends to the stadium. October 10, 8 Ukrainian fans for singing songs insulting Russian President Vladimir Putin jailed in the game.  (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)
Reported that it eight fans watched the Belarus and Ukraine in 2016 European Championship qualifier, they attend an anti-Putin chorus activities. In this game, Borisov local fans and fans visiting Ukraine together with high sing widespread anti-Putin song. According to British media, the BBC said, Ukrainian fans are not active trouble, but due to the Belarusian fans booing. It is reported that the Belarusian fans sang the lead in the Ukrainian capital Kiev protests iconic song "Glory belongs to Ukraine," Ukrainian fans and then sang "Long Live Belarus" as a response. Then the scene stands out of control, Belarus native Ukrainian fans and the visiting team fans sing along with widespread high anti-Putin song.
After the game, there are 100 Ukrainian fans and 30 fans were arrested in Belarus. Eventually jailed for eight Ukrainian fans, one of whom was jailed because of Nazi symbols ten days, while seven others as insulting language jail five days. In addition, there are four fans was fine. This is not the first anti-Putin song sung activities appear once. June of this year, when he was Foreign Minister of Russia, Ukraine, Andrei requirements - Deshixicha resign because he participated in Kiev insult Putin protests.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

United States a high school female teachers and students were expelled incest

According to "USA Today" website on October 11 reported that 28-year-old female math teacher in Austin, Minnesota, USA, a high school Mary Gill (Mary Gilles) and a 17-year-old student admitted the existence of unfair since February this year, the police sexual relations, she therefore facing six charges. Police said the female teachers may have been pregnant.  (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)
Reported that a manager at the school to see the student's personal mailbox and found a female teacher with ambiguous information, and the final pieces of information mentioned Jill "There may have been pregnant." Authorities said that the boy would regularly go to the home of female teachers in the countryside. After interrogation, both admitted their improper relationship.
It is reported that Gill was arrested on the 6th and the 7th was expelled from school, is still in prison, his bail fee of up to $ 60,000. A school employee said the three evening saw the two men alone together in the school auditorium, followed by the teacher being investigated.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

U.S. fight against Ebola are trapped in a "five myths"

Engaged in the study of global health issues, Senior Fellow Council on Foreign Relations think tank Laurie Garrett on the 10th in the "Washington Post" published an article that the United States is caught in the fight against Ebola virus' five errors. "
A misunderstanding that the Ebola virus will not spread in the rich countries.
Wealthy countries in Europe, North America and Asia have been confident that by virtue of their own advanced medical facilities that can curb the virus. Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Tom Frieden said: "We have the ability to curb the spread of the Ebola virus in the United States." Of course, if this guarantee simply for ease people's tension, naturally understandable. But we must realize that humanity has yet to find a set can not be infected with Ebola virus, 100% safe protection systems. For example, the Spanish government recently to confirm infection with the Ebola virus in Madrid nurse Teresa Romero is off protective clothing when using unsterilized hand to touch his face, so infection. According to the Ebola virus, "SARS" virus of understanding human beings, they are mainly spread through physical contact. "SARS" virus in 2003 spread throughout Asia, including Hong Kong, including developed areas, the hospital has a large number of health care workers are infected.
Garrett believes that some developed countries "arrogant" to believe that the advanced technology and good contingency planning can ensure that the Ebola virus will not spread. As the "arrogant", Toronto, Canada's top hospital and then was compelled "SARS" to fight the virus. In contrast to Vietnam has long been a much poorer control of this infectious disease. As the "arrogant", 2013 WHO meeting on cuts in the organization of infectious diseases, "the outbreak - response" of the budget, pay more attention to cancer, heart disease treatment. As the "arrogant", just whenever a communicable disease control, politicians have proposed cuts in public health budgets. However, when there is a new epidemic, people are only cry in despair.  (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)
Myth that after the United States, "September 11 Incident" emergency response capacity to accumulate enough to fight Ebola virus.
After the "9.11" outbreaks of anthrax mail incident, then-US President George W. Bush signed an order request to guard against large-scale bio-terrorist attack preparation. From the center for Disease Prevention and Control, the Department of Defense to hospitals, community clinics and rapid response teams have carried out a series against the possible outbreak of epidemics, terrorist exercises biochemical attacks regard. According to a pre-set program, the U.S. Department of Health each rule can be ready to greet highly contagious disease. Military and health agencies to get billions of dollars in special funds for the rapid diagnosis of pathogenic microorganisms, vaccine development and treatment. Each exercise list, the Ebola virus are among them. It seems that spending billions of dollars and countless drills later, come to "The United States is ready to" hypothesis seems to have a certain rationality.
However, Garrett does not think so. He said that both the army or the public, assume that most of the exercises are experiencing "biological attack": police, fire and medical personnel wearing protective clothing biochemistry; those infected have been diagnosed, isolation and treatment, and harm elimination. Each field exercises, are not for the treatment of infectious patients, resulting in health workers repeatedly exposed to contaminated environments. Now, faced with requests for assistance in West Africa, the United States Agency for International Development's answer is "no deal mature experience of the epidemic."

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

British scientists have discovered a new particle

University of Warwick researchers have discovered a never before observed meson new class of subatomic particles, named Ds3 * (2860) ˉ, which will help to change the most fundamental force of nature nuclei for condensation understanding. The findings, published in the latest issue of "Physical Review Letters" and "Physical Review D" on.
Subatomic particles, and its structure is smaller than the atom, including the part of atoms, such as electrons, protons and neutrons, and many other exotic particles. In general, sub-atomic particles may be electrons, neutrons, protons, mesons, quarks, gluons and photons and so on. (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)
According to the "Daily Telegraph", physicist organizational network recently reported that by collecting and analyzing CERN Large Hadron Collider LHCb data, the researchers found that new particles in a similar way to bind protons together. Because of this similarity, the researchers believe that further research to understand the interaction of particles powerful. The most basic forces of nature in the strong role of a nucleus of protons to provide a more in-depth understanding.
Strong interactions are four fundamental interactions of nature in one of the strongest. Department of Physics, University of Warwick, chief scientist Professor Tim Gerson explains: "The strong interaction is tied quark subatomic particles together to form atomic power proton proton binding energy of the strong to give greater quality contribution.."

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey


"Tokyo Trial" can not be forgotten

The 66th Frankfurt Book Fair kicked off on October 8 in Frankfurt, Germany Exhibition Centre. China Pavilion "a war, World War II theme of the book fair." Attention. In the afternoon, Shanghai Jiaotong University Press and German publishers DS ancient Italian special co-hosted "Tokyo Trial: forgotten Nuremberg" International Symposium attracted many viewers. Publishing sector national book fair theme books on China dialogue-style discussions on historical facts Tokyo and Nuremberg trials, research, history and other topics for comparative evaluation research, effectively enhance the Tokyo Trial degree of concern in the international academic community and world opinion .  (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

Seminar warm atmosphere, the participants spoke about road, after the victory, the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal trial of Nazi war criminals in Germany, and the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and other countries in the Soviet military court trial of Japanese war criminals, so launching a war of aggression, his hands stained with the blood of peoples culprit, they deserve punishment, the war criminals forever nailed to the historical pillar of shame. However, compared with the influence of the Nuremberg trials, the study of international academic Tokyo trial is relatively small. To this end, Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, Germany and Germany and countries of ancient Italian special Press historians, jurists a long-term system finishing, publishing Tokyo trials research results, and is committed to the core literature and Tokyo Trial editing and publishing academic works, this fully reveals the nature of the Tokyo Trial justice is unshakable, unchallengeable.

"Nuremberg and Tokyo trials after the" author - German historian Professor Manfred Kittel Ryder also came attended the seminar. He pleaded guilty postwar Japan and the Federal Republic of Germany in his speech, the process of compensation were sharp analysis. In his view, the German Nazi atrocities of Japanese militarism and ideological foundation "has presented a striking similarity," that the entire state power systematically planned way other nations to implement racial violence. Japan's lack of remorse and even deadbeat behavior, and the United States was the leader in the highest-day MacArthur has a direct correlation. This led to the Tokyo trial of Japanese war criminals on the deviation of the number and sentencing on staff purge behaved sloppy and incomplete, and compensation to the injured on the amount also appears inadequate. Professor Kittel stressed that in Japan, war criminals still at Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine by the so-called Memorial. A surviving American victims of war once commented that it was like German "in downtown Berlin for Hitler to build a cathedral," people can not tolerate. Professor Kittel In an interview with this reporter to talk and said: "As a historian, I do not want to Sino-Japanese tensions evaluate the relationship between what is given, however, we must say, a few decades later in 1945. the Japanese government performance on the issue of war is hard to confession unconvincing. during World War II, the Japanese militarists extremely brutal regime killed the people of Asia, the Japanese government responsible for this historical culmination of prevarication of sensationalism. "

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

"Gossip Girl" Lively announce pregnancy

Hollywood actress Blake - Lively (Blake Lively) because the show "Gossip Girl" (Gossip Girl) in Se Leina (Serena) corner of the famous, witty and vibrant appearance loved by many fans. She and "Green Lantern" Ryan - Reynolds (Ryan Reynolds) to marry two years, on the 6th Black - Lively personal website drying out pregnant belly photos, happy to announce she was pregnant when the mother.
Blake - Lively sun on the 6th out a personal website photographs taken by his brother, photographs of her face with a kindly smile, stroking bow protruding belly, was already pregnant in the body, but the husband Ryan - Reynolds they have also confirmed that the first crystallization of love. Fans heard the news, have been happy to offer blessings, address him 布蕾克 smile looks very happy, also praised the baby will certainly be a good person.  (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)
27-year-old Blake - Lively 2013 had shocking news of pregnancy, although it was later confirmed that just misinformation on the Internet, but she never made a secret desire to want children, even when told the magazine wanted to disclose born 30 tires, and always ready to start the implementation of this project, "If you can give birth to a child with a spit, I will do it!" happy now finally taken the first step.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

Earth's water may be older than the sun

Water is the source of life. But you know what? We drink water every day may also older than the age sun! A recent study American magazine "Science" published on the 25th, said as many as half of the water had been formed as early as possible before the solar system was born on Earth.  (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)
     For a long time, the presence of water in the solar system are two main sources of controversy, one is in the sun during the formation of ionization by cosmic rays and other ways to form water, and the other one is early in the 4.6 billion years ago, the birth of the sun, water already exists, it comes from the interstellar medium. The latest study provides evidence for a second opinion.
     Participated in the study, University of Michigan Department of Astronomy postdoctoral 杜福君 to Xinhua News Agency correspondent, said: "The Earth has a large part of the water from the interstellar medium, so your cup of water may be more ancient than the sun."
     Researchers analyzes the ratio of water under a variety of environmental formed hydrogen isotopes deuterium and hydrogen between heavier.
     杜福君 said that if the water is formed in the cold environment of the interstellar medium, the abundance of deuterium to hydrogen ratio will be higher, up to about 1%; while if it is hotter environment during the formation of the solar system formed, then the deuterium the abundance of hydrogen will be lower than the close to about 0.002%, but the actual observations comets, planets, meteorites and Earth's oceans is generally somewhere between these two extremes, such as the Earth's oceans in both abundance ratio is 0.016%.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey


DPRK top two political prisoners Seoul area shelters

China News Network October 8 power (European leaf), according to Yonhap Seoul October 8 reported that South Korean parliament diplomatic unity Members Committee Yoon now (New World Party) on the 8th, said the domestic research institutes based on information concerning satellite photos the results of the analysis showed that the total area of the shelter of political prisoners in North Korea, more than double the area of Seoul. (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

Yoon quote information that the five political prisoners shelters total area of 1247.9 square kilometers Korea, Seoul City area (605.2 square kilometers) more than twice. Which is located in South Hamgyong Yaode County "on the 15th management" area of ​​551.6 square kilometers, accounting for about Yaode county total area (1378 km2) of 40%.

Yoon now that the human rights abuses of political prisoners shelters, is a symbol of extreme terror politics. To promote Korea closed political refuge, the international community should further increase the North Korean regime's allegations and supervision.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey


Between China and Japan, India is more interested in who?

"Fight for India's" look is more like Japan's unilateral urgent needs. As a superpower able to secure solidarity with India, Japan, under more or less mitigate, South Korea and Russia attack of political pressure, and secondly, with India launched maritime defense, helps "seal" China on the Indian Ocean "radiation", to the first island chain, the Japan-US alliance "escort."
Abe's "thinking" from August 31, "Asahi Shimbun" reported can also be a glimpse or two: Prime Minister Abe in Japan and India after the end of the summit, starting September 6 departure visited India neighbors Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, while these countries support this year in China have built a port, the Prime Minister's visit or have this increase factors alert.  (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)
India's diplomatic history, whether from the right or the development of heavy current view of India, Modi stand only in Japan involving China, rather than the anti-China. "India Business Online" website September 15 to comment, said:. "Modi Japan exercised India and China to talk about the conditions made ​​chips in China's view, the industrial cooperation between India and Japan are strategic, so the just be "suddenly began to talk about betting money on India." and Modi has been determined at the end of the visit to the United States, positive "return to Asia" in the United States, then it will inevitably have to fight the Indian action. "
Presumably investment opportunity in the gap in the great power game, is to achieve economic prosperity of India's diplomatic mission headed to the relatively normal Modi wants it. India in the end prefer Chinese or Japanese? In fact, a false proposition.

             The Author: Michael
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Sky will now rare "Red Moon" the most wonderful "whole food" time nearly one hour

According to Xinhua News Agency, a rare total lunar eclipse spectacle will debut tomorrow. Observer of China, the total lunar eclipse this year can be observed only once food phenomenon, then as long as the weather is sunny, almost all regions of our country can enjoy the round of "Red Moon" hanging in the night sky charming scene.  (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

Eclipse into penumbral eclipse, partial lunar eclipse and total lunar eclipse three. Astronomy education experts Zhao Heng said that in the three lunar eclipse, the total eclipse the best look, "At this point of view from Earth to the moon is not disappearing from the air, but rather presents a rare bronze, which is usually referred to 'Red Moon'. "

There are a total eclipse early losses, both fresh, raw light, umbra and several other important point in time. Zhao Heng said that the beginning of the second total eclipse of the deficit for Beijing at 17:14 on the 8th, food both for 18:25, raw light time for 19:25, umbra time for 20:35. One of the most exciting total eclipse lasted nearly one hour.

Chinese Astronomical Society Member 史志成 said: "Compared to the total solar eclipse, total eclipse observation is relatively easier, as long as the weather is nice, our public can be observed with the naked eye like public astrophotography, the camera can be prepared in advance, if you want to shoot. people and near total eclipse of the photo, you can make proper use of flash light. "

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey

Mexico 43 students missing

Two Mexican gang hitman on the 5th contact with the police, admitted that the 43 missing in southern Mexico killed 17 students. The surviving victims terrified, exposure to dead bodies were.

Filled with a violent crime in poor areas Kyu Lero state Ai Kuala city, along with a professional killer gang hijacked student events, and they control a bus full of students.(Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

Ai guarana City Police Department received a report dispatched a large number of police, and robbers shootout occurred after police towards the bus transporting students shot, bike bus carrying students disappeared.

It is reported that a local gang planned a night of violence which led to six people were killed and 25 people were injured, 43 people missing. And that man is above 43 students who disappeared.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey


Japanese volcanic eruptions up to 12 people dead

Japan disaster Mitakesan helicopters search team on the 29th, the cessation of cardiopulmonary function of the wounded transported to the foot of a mountain, then confirm which six people died. So far, the volcano eruption death toll to 12, a total of 24 people in lung function stops.  (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses)

Since the 29th morning, Nagano, Gifu County police and fire, SDF, continue to the nearby hilltop cardiopulmonary function stopped rescue two wounded, eight were subsequently transferred to the foot of the mountain. It is understood that on the day of the rescue operation, the new heart and lung function found five climbers in the stopped state.

In a relatively quiet 35 years later, this is located in central Japan on the 27th 3067-meter-high volcano suddenly wake up in a deep sleep, go to the foot of the hill climbers often deadly eruption of ash, rocks and water vapor.

University of Paris-Sud and Sergey - Buddy Seef Pontoise University, said, "volcano after 30-40 years of dormancy becomes active short, under normal circumstances can be in 24-72 hours before to get early warning, such as recording to magma movement, there is a slight change in temperature earthquake.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey


King james regain MVP - 3 reason

    The famous American basketball expert Joshua - Hoy author, cited three main reasons that James will regain the MVP trophy in the new season.
Last season, for James, is undoubtedly quite disappointing. On the one hand, to compete in the regular season MVP, he lost to Durant, on the other hand, in the Finals, the Heat defeated the Spurs, missed the final championship. (Ray Ban Wayfarer II Sunglasses) 
    This summer, after the reunification Knight, James Wong ushered in yet another turning point in his career. Although, now judge whether the Knights won the championship too early, but at least recapture the MVP of the problem, the emperor is still a great opportunity.
1. reduce the burden
    Last season, the Heat lineup further due to aging, most of the time, James is a man carry the team forward. On some nights, in order to win, he had to in points, rebounds, assists, etc., play to their full potential. And such a high load, and finally emerged in the finals out of the negative effects. Faced with the Spurs, James opener due to excessive consumption of cramps throughout the series, although he is placing full, also failed to help the team pull out a victory.
    But after returning to the Cavaliers, the structure of Cleveland's lineup has to much younger, the future of some of the game, maybe not take the emperor shot, Knight will be able to resolve the fighting. And in the case of reducing the burden of the emperor or will usher in a highly efficient season, which for him to compete for MVP is undoubtedly beneficial.

             The Author: Michael
2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey